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Electron Battery Widget 1.0
The Food Sucks
Electron Battery is a 2x2 battery indicatorwidget. The platform of the RECOGNIZER rises and falls, not tokidnap you for the games, but to indicate your battery level! Thelower your battery levels, the lower the platform goes. It alsoindicates the level numerically. The widget updates approximatelyonce a minute.*NOTE* Motorola phones report battery life information by theTENS, for example: 10, 20, 30, 80, 90, and so this is what thewidget will display if you have a Motorola device - please keepthis in mind.You may choose between a standard RECOGNIZER or an exotic iceblue version.Can be configured to launch any app you have installed, whentapped.Tries to be battery friendly: It does not use a persistentservice, and when the phone enters sleep mode, it stops issuingupdates until you turn the screen on again.NOTE:Upon installing you will be presented with a logo and a screen withsome basic instructions and disclaimers. ThisThis Activity can be launched again from your applicationdrawer.
LifeMeter 1.3
The Food Sucks
Please read everything below for instructions and important notes*about task killers**. We at The Food Sucks are of the opinion thatnotions of battery life do not have to be measured with grimclinical concern. It should be FUN. Even nostalgic! IntroducingLifeMeter, a widget that draws inspiration from decades of classicgaming fun and brings it to your Android device to enjoy. It takesthe age-old iconic digital heart symbolizing LIFE and applies thatfeature to your Android device's battery. We also didn't merelydraw inspiration from the meters of classic 8-bit games like Legendof Zelda and Metroid, we wanted to demonstrate that LifeMeter iscapable of a modern styling too, and what better example than thehealth bar from a game like Skyrim!*** To make your experiencespecial we made it *highly* configurable, because personalizing isfun and rewarding. Just take a look at the gallery to see not onlythe variety of meters offered, but how you can customize most ofthem to your heart's content! The widgets currently comes in 1x1and 2x1 sizes, and even offers unique meters exclusive to each sizeto make your experience a little more fun and interesting. Heartwidgets can be tweaked; rows/columns can be adjusted, scale them ifyou feel they might be too big. You can align them within thewidget's frame (top, lower right, center, etc). You can configure aLifeMeter widget to launch an app when tapped, or show somedetailed battery info instead. You can adjust how often updateshappen - from once a minute to as little as once an hour if youwant to conserve battery life - though LifeMeter does not use apersistent service; When the phone goes into sleep mode, no updatesare issued to your widget, preserving battery health. *Do not forcethe install to your SD Card, install it to internal memory only!**If you use a TASK KILLER (you shouldn't) like ATK, STK, ETK, etc,you MUST configure it to *EXEMPT*, or else it will terminate theprocess and your widget will appear to be stuck/not updating! We'vetested extensively on multiple devices with great results. Shouldyour device have any trouble with it, we'll do our best to addressthe issues, just contact us. We'd like to add even more meters infuture updates, and we're open to suggestions - send us an email!---------------------------------------- TO PLACE A LIFEMETERWIDGET ON YOUR HOME SCREEN (pre ICE CREAM SANDWICH): 1.*Long-press* on an empty area of your home screen. 2. On the list,tap WIDGETS. 3. Scroll down the new list and find LifeMeter 1x1 or2x1 and tap on either. 4. Configure the hell out of your supercoolnew widget. 5. Show your friends and family!---------------------------------------- TO PLACE A LIFEMETERWIDGET ON YOUR HOME SCREEN (Android 4.0+, ICS+): * Please note, atthe moment (08/2012) there is a bug with *Jellybean* that mayrequire you to REBOOT your device to install widgets from a newlyinstalled app. You'd only need to do this once. 1. Navigate to yourAPP Drawer. (It may be an icon of 6 little dots or squares, on yourhome screen) 2. Select the "WIDGETS" tab. 3. Locate LifeMeter 1x1or 2x1 - you may have to swipe side to side if your list is large.4. *Long-press* one of the LifeMeter widgets until your Home Screenappears, then let go. 5. Configure the hell out of your supercoolnew widget. 6. Show your friends and family!
Electron Disc Clock 1.1
The Food Sucks
Electron Disc Clock is a 2x2 clock widget. Ithas no numbers and no dials! So how does it work? The disc itselfrotates and the gap in the inner blue ring points to the hour. Theouter energy ring also rotates and it too has a gap that points tothe current minute. The clock updates every minute.You may choose between a blue, red or yellow disc, and you canhave more than one onscreen.Can be configured to launch any app you have installed, whentapped.Tries to be battery friendly: It does not use a persistentservice, and when the phone enters sleep mode, it stops issuingupdates until you turn the screen on again.NOTE:Upon installing this widget you will be presented with a logo and ascreen with some basic instructions and disclaimers. This Activitycan be launched again from your application drawer.TO ACTUALLY PLACE THE WIDGET ON YOUR HOME SCREEN:You will have to *long-press* on your home screen and choose"Electron Clock" from the list of widgets that pops up. You willthen be presented with a configuration screen. There is a readmebutton on this screen, please use it and read it. A license checkwill also be performed here and your android device must beconnected to the network to complete this successfully. You willnot be able to install until the license verification has beensuccessful.
LifeMeter (Free) 1.6
The Food Sucks
This is the free version of LifeMeter. Please read everythingbelowfor instructions and important notes*. We at The Food Sucksare ofthe opinion that notions of battery life do not have to bemeasuredwith grim clinical concern. It should be FUN. Evennostalgic!Introducing LifeMeter, a widget that draws inspirationfrom decadesof classic gaming fun and brings it to your Androiddevice toenjoy. It takes the age-old iconic digital heartsymbolizing LIFEand applies that feature to your Android device'sbattery. We alsodidn't merely draw inspiration from the meters ofclassic 8-bitgames like Legend of Zelda and Metroid, we wanted todemonstratethat LifeMeter is capable of a modern styling too, andwhat betterexample than the health bar from a game like Skyrim!***To makeyour experience special we made it *highly* configurable,becausepersonalizing is fun and rewarding. Just take a look at thegalleryto see not only the variety of meters offered, but how youcancustomize most of them to your heart's content! Thewidgetscurrently comes in 1x1 and 2x1 sizes, and even offers uniquemetersexclusive to each size to make your experience a little morefunand interesting. Heart widgets can be tweaked; rows/columns canbeadjusted, scale them if you feel they might be too big. Youcanalign them within the widget's frame (top, lower right,center,etc). You can configure a LifeMeter widget to launch an appwhentapped, or show some detailed battery info instead. You canadjusthow often updates happen - from once a minute to as little asoncean hour if you want to conserve battery life - thoughLifeMeterdoes not use a persistent service; When the phone goesinto sleepmode, no updates are issued to your widget, preservingbatteryhealth. *Do not force the install to your SD Card, installit tointernal memory only! **If you use a TASK KILLER (youshouldn't)like ATK, STK, ETK, etc, you MUST configure it to*EXEMPT*, or elseit will terminate the process and your widget willappear to bestuck/not updating! We've tested extensively onmultiple deviceswith great results. Should your device have anytrouble with it,we'll do our best to address the issues, justcontact us. We'd liketo add even more meters in future updates, andwe're open tosuggestions - send us an email! **Some meters areavailable only inthe full version.---------------------------------------- TO PLACEA LIFEMETER WIDGETON YOUR HOME SCREEN (pre ICE CREAM SANDWICH): 1.*Long-press* on anempty area of your home screen. 2. On the list,tap WIDGETS. 3.Scroll down the new list and find LifeMeter 1x1 or2x1 and tap oneither. 4. Configure the hell out of your supercoolnew widget. 5.Show your friends andfamily!---------------------------------------- TO PLACE ALIFEMETERWIDGET ON YOUR HOME SCREEN (Android 4.0+, ICS+): * Pleasenote, atthe moment (08/2012) there is a bug with *Jellybean* thatmayrequire you to REBOOT your device to install widgets from anewlyinstalled app. You'd only need to do this once. 1. Navigate toyourAPP Drawer. (It may be an icon of 6 little dots or squares, onyourhome screen) 2. Select the "WIDGETS" tab. 3. Locate LifeMeter1x1or 2x1 - you may have to swipe side to side if your list islarge.4. *Long-press* one of the LifeMeter widgets until your HomeScreenappears, then let go. 5. Configure the hell out of yoursupercoolnew widget. 6. Show your friends and family!